Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Bike Ride

The Bike Ride


Fear, Courage, Determination combine because the boy wants to ride.

Hands on the grips, feet on the pedals,

Dad propels him down the road but then suddenly let's go.

Legs pumping wildly, arms straining to keep it straight,

The boy is a free bird but turns a little too late.

Down he goes, hands catching his fall, but he pops up ready to



Freedom, love, desire combine because they want to ride.

She on her bike, he on his, down the street they travel

Two people in love, living in the moment on a pleasant summer day.

No particular destination in mind, just two hearts pedaling


Confident that together every challenge can be conquered,

Whether rain, dog, or heat of day; they live in the ride.


Independence, vigor, resolve combine because the lady wants to ride.

Many years have past, a long life been lived since that first


So many rides with family, friends, and a loving husband,

But now on her own sitting atop three wheels instead of two.

The lady is not sad, the memories flood back to her in waves.

Knowing that she will never regret the ride she didn't have.

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