Friday, July 5, 2013

Some News

Greetings readers,

My posting will be a bit less frequent than the usual...stop that!...Don't cheer!  Just kidding.  I have always enjoyed writing, and keeping up a blog has given me a lot of writing practice, so much so that I want to take it to another level.  I have been following a half dozen writer's blogs the past couple months and am now taking an eight week course to improve my writing, spruce up my blog, find a wider fan base, and expand my reach in the field of internet writing.  I AM NOT DOING THIS FOR MONEY!  If I make a little to cover my costs to set-up a real blog and all the frills that go with it, I'll be happy, but I am feeling a calling (apologies to my atheist friends, it was not meant in a strictly spiritual way).  Hopefully, my blog will become more focused in a few months when I reveal a new improved version, but it will include a lot of the stuff I have been doing nonfiction and fiction wise.  It will focus on what many of you said you liked about my blog and that's the history component.

(If your bored at this point feel free to stop reading and go have a juice box.)

I could use your help though.  I have written a couple statements regarding my writing voice and what my target audience (tribe) is.  If you good readers have some free time, I would be eternally grateful if you read them and offered any constructive criticism.  Fell free to add a comment here, message me on Facebook, or email me directly at .

My Voice

My comfortable voice is one that’s to the point but offers the right amount of detail and explanation with some humor to it.  I try to select the right words, avoiding the absolutes and selecting words that are more accurate or truthful (my wife hates this).  Sometimes I will adopt a more professional, serious voice, especially when dealing with subjects of serious consequence.  This voice is more on the offensive and less humorous.  It may include higher level academic vocabulary.  In terms of worldview, I have to stick to my core values: individualism, freedom, respect for tradition and history,  Judeo-Christian values, Western Civilization, and honest, respectful, thoughtful debate (I encourage this on topics I blog about).

Another way of putting it:

My Voice—I value honest, open, nonjudgmental debate about controversial topics, so my voice should reflect that.  Although I am admittedly conservative, I do not want to be another pundit type, so my voice should be based on the facts ) kind of a Bill O’Reilly approach).  I value humor, so a little humor is part of my voice, and some of my writing should focus that way (the few readers of my blog that I have like the humor).  My voice will value the concept that words have meaning and ideas are important.  I want my voice to be readable (appealing to the average American) but I do not want to shy away from the right words even if they are unique.

My Tribe

My Tribe (audience)—A cross-section of society that likes history and believes something can be learned from history.  This may include: history buffs, people going through experiences in which history might offer some answers, students wanting to know more about history (AP kids), people politically active or into current events and want a historical perspective.  This tribe may also include businesses and organizations that value history as a tool to improve what they do.  The tribe would include people wanting a combination of writing genres—informational pieces, satire, history education, historical fiction, and other kinds of fiction reflecting historical themes.
Tentatively I am calling the new improved blog "Life Through the Lens of History"

Again, any feed back or comments would be greatly appreciated.  Until I unveil the new blog I will keep posting here...Shhhh!  Sounds of disappointment/frustration are not allowed.

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